Period drama based on the tumultuous life of the 18th-century Duchess of Devonshire, a bright, popular aristocrat who is trapped in a failed marriage and has to face personal conflicts - including living with her husband's mistress and falling passionately in love with a young politician. \n\nBased on Amanda Foreman's best-selling novel Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire.
Source: BBC 2
Episode 25-12-2024
Period drama based on the tumultuous life of the 18th-century Duchess of Devonshire, a bright, popular aristocrat who is trapped in a failed marriage and has to face personal co ...
Episode 25-12-2024
Period drama based on the tumultuous life of the 18th-century Duchess of Devonshire, a bright, popular aristocrat who is trapped in a failed marriage and has to face personal co ...