Barry is about to finish the biggest domino run he has ever made, but gives Kari the responsibility to look after it while he goes to fetch the final piece. Kari’s attention waivers, and after admitting that she was at fault, she helps Barry to fulfil his ambition.\n\nWe meet one young Treasure Champ who is responsible for helping look after his pets including a tortoise, and another who takes part in a community litter pick and puts up posters to encourage others to be responsible with their rubbish. \n\nPlus storyteller Omar tells us the biblical story of ‘The Parable of the Two Sons’.
Source: CBeebies
Series 2: 10. Remembering
Barry doesn’t know what to say when Kari reminisces about her grandma. But he finds some of Grandma’s old belongings for Kari to enjoy and they celebrate by throwing ...
Series 2: 9. Patience
Barry and Kari are trying to be patient as they wait for a shower of shooting stars to pass, but they become distracted by a faulty camera and tiredness. But playing a game to p ...
Series 2: 8. Fairness
Kari has invented a board game but is making up all the rules so that Barry has to do forfeits like being made to quack like a duck and waddle up and down a hill. Eventually she ...
Series 2: 7. Encouragement
Kari is trying to be a magician, but Barry is very discouraging of her attempts to perform tricks. Barry realises what he must do and becomes an elaborately dressed magician&rsq ...
Series 2: 6. Hospitality
Kari has been invited to Barry’s house for a playdate, but he becomes possessive over his toys and won’t share anything with her. Realising the error of his ways, he ...
Series 2: 5. Respect
Barry isn’t respecting Kari’s privacy or her wish to read a book, constantly interrupting her by playing his trombone no matter where she is hiding! To make matters ...
Series 2: 4. Sacrifice
Kari has sacrificed time and energy preparing for an obstacle race in the hope of winning a trophy for her collection, but Barry hasn’t trained and struggles in the race. ...
Series 2: 3. Peacefulness
Home has become far too noisy for Barry and Kari, so they decide to go to the countryside for some peace and quiet. But the wildlife noises, map rustles and a squeaky camera tri ...
Series 2: Responsibility
Barry is about to finish the biggest domino run he has ever made, but gives Kari the responsibility to look after it while he goes to fetch the final piece. Kari’s attenti ...
Series 2: Kindness
In an attempt to apologise to Kari for eating the cake she made him as a surprise, Barry tries to be kind in lots of different ways by becoming Captain Kind Kid! Even though a c ...
Series 1: 11. Perseverance
Kari wants to know how to windsurf like Barry and is told there's no secret but perseverance and hard work. She falls off time and time again, but eventually gets the hang of it ...
Series 1: 1. Courage
Kari is scared of playing her trumpet in front of the Treasure Champs, but Barry reminds her how he had courage to buy her trumpet in the first place. Barry also shows courage b ...
Series 1: 9. Honesty
Barry denies that he's playing with Kari's building blocks, but learns that telling lie upon lie results in people getting hurt.\n\nA pair of Treasure Champs encourage honesty i ...
Series 2: 7. Encouragement
Kari is trying to be a magician, but Barry is very discouraging of her attempts to perform tricks. Barry realises what he must do and becomes an elaborately dressed magician&rsq ...
Series 1: 7. Creativity
When Kari is about to throw out an old box of rubbish, Barry shows her that they can use it for something creative instead. Kari struggles to get her imagination going, but acci ...
Series 1: 2. Teamwork
Barry and Kari are in the snowy hills and have disagreements about how best to build a team of Snow Champs. But a snowballing disaster forces them to work together to create an ...
Series 2: 6. Hospitality
Kari has been invited to Barry’s house for a playdate, but he becomes possessive over his toys and won’t share anything with her. Realising the error of his ways, he ...
Series 1: 13. Generosity
Barry is playing with his many toys but is only willing to give Kari a small pebble to play with. When Kari turns it into an exciting toy character, she shows true generosity by ...
Series 1: 14. Wisdom
Barry and Kari are very excited about going on a mini-beast hunt, but they have to learn from experience to avoid an enormous puddle! They are rewarded with a special sighting o ...
Series 2: Kindness
In an attempt to apologise to Kari for eating the cake she made him as a surprise, Barry tries to be kind in lots of different ways by becoming Captain Kind Kid! Even though a c ...