Comedy sketch show for the preschool audience featuring Justin Fletcher. Gail Force tries on a brand new rocket-powered spacesuit. The suit’s\ninventor warns Gail not to press the big red button on the front of the suit but Gail quickly forgets this instruction and is rocketed up into space.\nThe intrepid reporter tells Arthur Sleep what she can see from space and then returns to Earth with a bit of a bump! Next Keith Fitt does his best\nto break a spacehopper world record, and the Lost Pirate finds himself in the middle of a football match. Dan Step tries to do a dance with a\nukulele and after falling into a box of musical instruments ends up looking like a one-man band. Arthur Sleep gives a news report about an\nastronaut moving house and ends up telling lots of silly space jokes. Then Professor Muddles demonstrates his latest invention: The Sleeper\nSheeper Theatre. The theatre has lots of sheep for Professor Muddles to count to help him fall asleep, but some other cheeky noisy animals sneak\ninto the theatre and end up having a rather noisy party. Professor Muddles decides he’s better off joining in with the party and we leave him\ndancing with the animals. Wild Wez is dancing too and performs a funny line dance with all this farmyard animals.
Source: CBeebies
Series 5: 22. Gail Sings Country And Western
Wild Wez is busy preparing for a long trip and loads up his mule with\nlots of luggage. In Gail Force’s chat show, the guest is country and western singer Hayley Bales - w ...
Series 5: 21. Wizard Tripwick’s Mending Spell
Wizard Tripwick appears in puff of smoke and attempts to teach his\nwizarding pupils a mending spell. In preparation for reading the news Arthur Sleep pours himself a mug of wat ...
Series 5: 20. Diy Dan's Gnome Garden
With a storm brewing in the woods, Rapids Johnson rushes to finish\nbuilding a shelter. In Gail Force’s chat show, she interviews a guest called Lisa. Wild Wez is feeling ...
Series 5: 19. The Lost Pirate's Bus Trip
Keith Fitt opens a new soft play centre in his home town while at Nana Knickerbocker’s panto farm shop, a customer wants to buy a pumpkin. Nana mistakes the customer for C ...
Series 5: 18. Robin Hood's New Horse
Wizard Tripwick appears in a puff of smoke and tries to teach his\nwizarding pupils a levitation spell. Rapids Johnson does his\nbest to teach a squirrel called Sammy everything ...
Series 5: 17. Gail Goes To Space
Comedy sketch show for the preschool audience featuring Justin Fletcher. Gail Force tries on a brand new rocket-powered spacesuit. The suit’s\ninventor warns Gail not to p ...
Series 5: 16. Dina Lady's Banana Cake
Wizard Tripwick appears in a puff of smoke and attempts to\ndemonstrate a shrinking spell to his wizarding pupils. Arthur Sleep has a report about newsreaders getting the uncont ...
Series 5: 15. Humphrey's Camping Trip
Down at Nana Knickerbocker’s panto farm shop, Carol the Camel gets\nthe hump when a customer tries to buy her favourite rug, which turns out to be a magic carpet. Wild Wez ...
Series 5: 14. Gail Plays The Spoons
The Lost Pirate embarks on a bus voyage and tries to get the\npassengers to scrub the decks. DIY Dan does his best to frame a portrait but makes a mess with lots of gold paint. ...
Series 5: 13. Dan Step's Balloon Dance
Gail Force reports from a marathon but struggles to find the right questions to ask the lead runner. Dan Step gets carried away performing a dance with lots of balloons, we find ...
Series 5: 1. Enrico's Duck Dance
Keith Fitt attempts to break a hook-a-duck world record. Gail Force launches her brand new chat show. When her first guest misses the bus, Gail has to work extra hard and interv ...
Series 5: 16. Dina Lady's Banana Cake
Wizard Tripwick appears in a puff of smoke and attempts to\ndemonstrate a shrinking spell to his wizarding pupils. Arthur Sleep has a report about newsreaders getting the uncont ...
Series 5: 19. The Lost Pirate's Bus Trip
Keith Fitt opens a new soft play centre in his home town while at Nana Knickerbocker’s panto farm shop, a customer wants to buy a pumpkin. Nana mistakes the customer for C ...
Series 5: 6. Captain Adorable's Shopping
Rapids Johnson happens upon a woodland cinema and enjoys watching a bear song and dance in an old movie. Out in the park, Keith Fitt has got another Champion Tip - this one is a ...
Series 5: 15. Humphrey's Camping Trip
Down at Nana Knickerbocker’s panto farm shop, Carol the Camel gets\nthe hump when a customer tries to buy her favourite rug, which turns out to be a magic carpet. Wild Wez ...
Series 5: 18. Robin Hood's New Horse
Wizard Tripwick appears in a puff of smoke and tries to teach his\nwizarding pupils a levitation spell. Rapids Johnson does his\nbest to teach a squirrel called Sammy everything ...
Series 5: 22. Gail Sings Country And Western
Wild Wez is busy preparing for a long trip and loads up his mule with\nlots of luggage. In Gail Force’s chat show, the guest is country and western singer Hayley Bales - w ...
Series 3 - Episode 1
Comedy sketch show for younger viewers. Farmer Dung plays hide-and-seek with his best friend Reggie and wisecracking newsreader Arthur Sleep tells some more groan-inducing jokes.
Series 1 - Episode 14
Sketch show. Featuring Postie, who is on a mission to deliver an important letter but ends up in a school sports day, Anna Conda, Humphrey, Nana Knickerbocker and others.
Series 2 - Episode 1
Sketch show. Featuring Keith Fit, the most unlikely fitness guru ever. Also with Ann Teak, who casts her expert eye over a rare and valuable writing bureau.