The extraordinary true story of polar bear Agee, who was adopted as a vulnerable cub by animal trainers Mark and Dawn Dumas and has lived in their home for over 20 years
Source: Channel 4
The Most Important Parrot In The World
The story of Dr Irene Pepperberg and her parrot Alex, who spent 30 years together and became a worldwide media sensation as Alex learned to name and count objects and describe t ...
Channel 4
Orangutan In My Family
In 1978, student Gary Shapiro fostered an orphaned orangutan called Princess, cared for her day and night, and taught her sign language. But now she's disappeared so he returns ...
Channel 4
Polar Bear In My House
The extraordinary true story of polar bear Agee, who was adopted as a vulnerable cub by animal trainers Mark and Dawn Dumas and has lived in their home for over 20 years
Channel 4
Polar Bear In My House
The extraordinary true story of polar bear Agee, who was adopted as a vulnerable cub by animal trainers Mark and Dawn Dumas and has lived in their home for over 20 years
Channel 4
The Most Important Parrot In The World
The story of Dr Irene Pepperberg and her parrot Alex, who spent 30 years together and became a worldwide media sensation as Alex learned to name and count objects and describe t ...
Channel 4
Orangutan In My Family
In 1978, student Gary Shapiro fostered an orphaned orangutan called Princess, cared for her day and night, and taught her sign language. But now she's disappeared so he returns ...
Channel 4