Waffle is banned from going anywhere near Sommersby School, so Gramps is at the Brooklyn-Bells’ house to cheer him up. They play a game together on the front drive. Gramps and Waffle run in circles quickly, then slowly, before falling to the ground with laughter. Mrs Hobbs appears at her front door. She might have known it would be Gramps and Waffle making the racket!\n\nMrs Hobbs reveals she’s doggy day-caring Connie and Ruby’s dog, Jelly. Gramps and Waffle can’t believe it. Jelly is known for being a troublesome dog but Mrs Hobbs won’t hear of it. She insists that Jelly is a well-behaved dog. Mrs Hobbs bids Gramps a good day and promptly shuts the door. \n \nBack at the Brooklyn-Bells’, Gramps shares his plans with Waffle for the day ahead; they will plant some flowers together in the back garden and Waffle can do some muddy digging. Unusually, Waffle isn’t interested and rushes upstairs to Evie’s bedroom. Gramps follows. \n \nWaffle fetches a book from Evie’s bookshelf and shows it to Gramps. To Gramps’ surprise, Waffle wants to read! Gramps isn’t sure it’s possible to teach a dog how to read but he’s up for the challenge and the pair decamp to the back garden where there’s better light.\n \nGramps teaches Waffle the letter “D” which makes the sound “duh” and sets Waffle the task of looking in the garden for objects beginning with “D”. Waffle barks. It’s a great game and he’s good at it. Waffle finds a rubber duck, a toy dinosaur and a daisy. \n \nMrs Hobbs shouts over the garden fence from next door. She wants the barking and the “din” coming from the Brooklyn-Bells’ garden to stop. Mrs Hobbs accuses Gramps of nosing into her garden to see how a good dog like Jelly behaves but meanwhile, Jelly is trying to squeeze her way through a hole in the fence. Mrs Hobbs calls Waffle a “rascal” but Gramps informs her that Waffle is far too busy to be a rascal today – because he’s learning to read. Mrs Hobbs concedes that Waffle is an unusual dog but he’s not clever enough to read! \n\nTo keep the noise to a minimum for Mrs Hobbs, Gramps and Waffle continue reading indoors. Gramps teaches Waffle how to say the rest of the word “dog” and commends Waffle for being remarkably clever. \n \nSimon, Evie and Doug return home with Ruby who is joining them for dinner. Gramps is delighted – the more the merrier – because he’s had an idea. He’s going to stage a garden performance where Waffle will show off his new reading talent. \n \nBy the time Jess arrives home, bunting is hung, the stage is set and everyone gathers outside. Mrs Hobbs is adamant she won’t enjoy the show and insists on staying her side of the fence. She’ll view the show from there. Jelly tries to dig underneath the fence for a better look but Mrs Hobbs tells Ruby that Jelly has been a very good dog all day; she’s been quiet, calm and obedient. \n \nGramps gets the show underway and introduces Waffle to cheers from the crowd. Waffle takes to the stage and begins to read from Evie’s book. The Brooklyn-Bells and Ruby are very impressed and proud; Waffle is learning to read, just like Evie. \n \nAs Mrs Hobbs heckles from over the fence, claiming that Jelly could read much better than Waffle, if she tried, Jelly pushes through the hole in the fence and appears in the Brooklyn-Bells’ garden. Mrs Hobbs tries to pull Jelly back but Jelly disobeys Mrs Hobbs’ commands. Waffle calls Jelly a “bad dog” just as Jelly tugs once more on her lead and brings down the whole fence with Mrs Hobbs on top! \n \nThe Brooklyn-Bells rush to help Mrs Hobbs. As she gets to her feet, Mrs Hobbs asks Ruby to tell her mother to find a new doggy day-carer for Jelly from now on. \n\nLater, the Brooklyn-Bells settle on the sofa for a bedtime story read by Gramps, with help from Waffle. Waffle makes a mistake with his reading. He can’t read the word “hero” yet, but Waffle the Wonder Dog will always be the Brooklyn-Bells’ hero!
Source: CBeebies
Series 3: 15. Sponsored Waffle
Waffle, Simon, Doug, Evie and Ruby do a sponsored silence to raise money for the school. It’s not much fun, so Mrs Hobbs suggests they do a jigsaw. Waffle finds the missin ...
Series 3: 14. Waffle Pop Dog
Doug wants to be in the school show, so he asks Waffle to help him with his act. He reveals his new music kit made from household items. Waffle and Doug make music together usin ...
Series 3: 9. Pe Waffle
Evie finishes her reading book before school, so she can hand it in and bring a new book home later. Home alone, Waffle makes up a chant and dances around the house to the music ...
Series 3: 13. Helpful Waffle
Waffle, Jess, Gramps and Angela help Pepper find a new owner by making a leaflet. Waffle tries to help Mrs Hobbs, too, but causes chaos. Waffle hopes Mrs Hobbs will adopt Pepper.
Series 3: 8. Waffle's Playdate
Evie and Waffle arrive home from school with Gramps for a playdate with Ruby and her dog, Jelly. Just as they’re all about to go inside the house, a delivery van arrives w ...
Series 3: 12. Waffle And Pepper
Evie pretends to be Waffle’s dog friend. She even wears a headband with doggy ears. Waffle loves it when they play together like this but Simon calls Evie for school - it ...
Series 3: 7. Waffle Needs Quiet Time
Waffle isn’t allowed at school, so he’s being looked after by Connie, the Brooklyn-Bell’s neighbour, at her house. Connie has dressed as a dog\nand made a huge ...
Series 3: 11. Waffle The Wonder Dog
Waffle won’t move from his new doggy doormat because he loves it very much. Jess opens the door to reveal Gram and Grand have come to visit and Grand has made coconut cake ...
Series 3: 6. Waffle's Great Escape
Mrs Hobbs supervises Waffle at the Brooklyn-Bell house. Waffle wants to join Evie at school and tries to escape. Later, the family look at photos\nand Evie asks about her birth ...
Series 3: 10. Waffle Learns To Read
Waffle is banned from going anywhere near Sommersby School, so Gramps is at the Brooklyn-Bells’ house to cheer him up. They play a game together on the front drive. Gramp ...
Series 3: 14. Waffle Pop Dog
Doug wants to be in the school show, so he asks Waffle to help him with his act. He reveals his new music kit made from household items. Waffle and Doug make music together usin ...
Series 4: 2. Waffle And The Birthday Wish
Waffle and Doug give Evie a birthday gift, and the Brooklyn-Bells discover Mrs Hobbs's new rollerskating hobby. Evie makes a wish at her party to receive a card from her birth dad.
Series 3: 4. The Legend Of Sir Waffle
It's early in the morning after the Brooklyn-Bells have returned from holiday and there's someone banging on their front door. It's Mrs Hobbs and she's furious. Waffle left Mrs ...
Series 2: 4. Waffle's Pet Party
It's the day of Jess's 'bring a pet' birthday party. Gramps is one of the first to arrive with Muckypups and Thor, two pugs he's dogsitting for the day, and AJ and Anaya have al ...
Series 3: 12. Waffle And Pepper
Evie pretends to be Waffle’s dog friend. She even wears a headband with doggy ears. Waffle loves it when they play together like this but Simon calls Evie for school - it ...
Series 1: 3. Goodbye Waffle?
It's the day after the Brooklyn-Bells' wedding and time to say goodbye to the puppy. Evie goes with Jess to her veterinary practice to scan Waffle's microchip.
Series 2: 3. Waffle And The Kitten
The Brooklyn-Bells are looking after the kitten from Jess's veterinary practice. When Waffle checks on the kitten, it's not in its bed. In fact, the kitten is nowhere to be seen ...
Series 3: 9. Pe Waffle
Evie finishes her reading book before school, so she can hand it in and bring a new book home later. Home alone, Waffle makes up a chant and dances around the house to the music ...
Series 1: 1. Meeting Waffle
Evie's mum, Jess, has just married Doug's dad, Simon. The new family get home to discover a lost puppy hiding in their wedding presents. Evie wants to keep him and call him Waffle.
Series 3: 2. Waffle At The Kennels
The Brooklyn-Bells are on holiday with Gramps, so Waffle is staying at Angela’s dog kennels for a couple of nights. During a face-to-face call with Waffle, the Brooklyn-Be ...