Betty is reading a story out loud to the other Squirrels that is set 'a long, long time ago'. The Squirrels wonder how long ago that is. The narrator explains that it's everything that's ever happened – and it's called history.\n\nThe Squirrels are excited to learn about it, and luckily Duggee has his History Badge – and a home-made time machine - to give them a very interactive lesson all about it! The Squirrels go on a whistle-stop tour through time and encounter all manner of characters, from naughty prehistoric monkeys to pirates of the high seas, from Isaac Newton to Shakespeare, with everyone becoming inspired as they go.\n\nHistory is FUN - but eventually it's time to go home and collect their History Badges. Well done Squirrels!
Source: CBeebies
Series 4: 4. Spot The Difference
The Squirrels are in the Clubhouse, and everything seems the same, except… Duggee! They can’t quite put their finger on what it is, so to help, the Squirrels have t ...
Series 4: 3. Roly's First Day
As Roly makes his usual noise in the Clubhouse, Duggee and the Squirrels reminisce about how completely different Roly was when he first arrived. Hiding behind his dad, Roly was ...
Series 4: 10. The Choreography Badge
The Squirrels are out doing their exercises when suddenly, a cheetah called Chipo comes along with his dance crew. He criticises them for not being able to dance in time, and it ...
Series 4: 9. Betty's First Day
The Squirrels are having fun playing games but are surprised to find out that Betty didn’t always enjoy playing. \n\nSince her first day at Squirrel Club, she always impre ...
Series 5: 4. The Talent Badge
Out for a walk, the Squirrels spot an interesting poster - it’s King Tiger advertising his Roar Talent Show. Naturally, the Squirrels are very keen to take part. First, th ...
Series 5: 2. The Face Painting Badge
The Squirrels are looking for Duggee but can’t find him. Instead, they find someone they think is Enid, only much too big... Duggee has painted his face to look like Enid! ...
Series 5: 1. The Carrot Badge
The Squirrels are admiring everything Duggee has grown in his vegetable garden, especially his crop of giant carrots, when they hear a noise. They investigate and find the Rabbi ...
Series 4: 26. The Commuting Badge
Norrie is running late to Squirrel Club, so Duggee teaches the squirrels what a commute is – a journey that can take you from home to learn, work or play.
Series 2: 44. The Comedy Badge
The Squirrels go to see what Duggee is doing, but on the way Tag stumbles on some toy blocks and hurts his knee. How can they make him feel better? Happy's mum always says laugh ...