Captain HeyHo can smell a pong but she doesn’t know where it is coming from. Cook and Line discover that the smell is coming from her coat but Captain HeyHo insists that a pirate Captain can never take off their coat! Luckily Cook and Line have a plan - she can wear her smelly coat while having a shower. The captain seems pleased with this idea and orders them to build her one.\n\nLater on, Captain HeyHo enters her cove where Cook and Line miraculously have the shower ready. However, Captain HeyHo doesn’t realise that Cook and Line’s shower has been connected to the ship's mess. She turns it on, shuts her eyes and enjoys a lovely sloppy shower!
Source: CBeebies
Series 7: 2. Rhyming Lurgy
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Series 2 - Sinker's Birthday Surprise
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Series 6: 3. Monster Spotting
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Series 7: 22. Wing It Now
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Series 7: 3. Captain Twinkletoes
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Series 5: 23. Nautical Novels
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Series 7: 12. Smart Parrot
Captain Captain, Sandy and Seaweed get a new ‘smart parrot’ to help make life easier around the Scarlet Squid. Unfortunately, it only ends up making life harder for ...
Series 8: 14. The Big Book Of Pirate World Records
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