Thirteen years after the events seen during At World's End, young Henry Turner promises his father, Will, that he will break the curse that binds Will to his ship, the Dutchman. Henry intends to find Jack Sparrow and enlist his help to locate the trident of Poseidon. Also on the trail is Carina Smyth, who has been sentenced to death for witchcraft.
Source: BBC 1
Episode 27-12-2024
Thirteen years after the events seen during At World's End, young Henry Turner promises his father, Will, that he will break the curse that binds Will to his ship, the Dutchman. ...
Episode 27-12-2024
Thirteen years after the events seen during At World's End, young Henry Turner promises his father, Will, that he will break the curse that binds Will to his ship, the Dutchman. ...