Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the ‘Save Swishy’ badge and remembers the day she got it…\n\nRuby is worried about Swishy, a mermaid who lives in the bay. Lots of people are dropping plastic on the beach at Bridgetown, and she thinks it could make Swishy and her friends sick. When Daisy hears, she tells Ruby about protesting, and the two of them decide to go and protest on the beach in the hope that people will stop dropping litter.\n\nAll the Hubbers pitch in, making ‘Save Swishy’ badges, hats, signs and Swishy biscuits. Daisy is delighted when Mack writes a special protest song to get the message out about reducing plastic pollution.
Source: CBeebies
Series 5: 7. The Very Scary Scarecrow
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the ‘Very Berry Delights’ pot and remembers the day she got it.\n\nBob has ...
Series 5: 6. The Stall Inspection
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the wobbly coffee pot mug and remembers the day she got it.\n\nMoira reads a bad online ...
Series 5: 5. The Second First Date
Caitlin wants to make Daisy and Mack’s anniversary perfect. When the other kids are roped in to help, the second first date doesn’t go quite as Caitlin imagined.
Series 5: 4. The Wrong Robot
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the ‘boss’ badge and remembers the day she got it. Mack has to go to the de ...
Series 5: 3. Mish Mash Mosh
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the squidgy magic ball and remembers the day she got it. Mack is helping Kez with her b ...
Series 5: 2. Molly's Stall
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the toilet roll frog and remembers the day she got it. Magnus is worried about his litt ...
Series 5: 1. Forever Friends
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the friendship necklace and remembers the day she got it. \nIt’s Molly’s fi ...
Series 1: 1. The New Stall
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the pottery tile and remembers the day she got it... \n\nMolly meets a new stall owner, Alice ...
Series 1: 20. Hubber Of The Year
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the golden envelope and remembers the day she got it... \n\nMoira is fretting about who shoul ...
Series 1: 19. The Sleepover
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the wind-up torch and remembers the day she got it... \n\nThe roof above Mack's stall is leak ...
Series 5: 18. Mack's Challenge
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the important letter and remembers the day she got it.\n\nMack is surprised to get a le ...
Series 5: 9. Surprise!
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the gift bow and remembers the day she got it.\n\nIt’s Mack’s birthday, but ...
Series 5: 17. The Baby Whisperer
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the homemade beard and remembers the day she got it.\n\nJames, Alice and Molly are exha ...
Series 2: 8. Mud Monster
Bob gets a letter from the allotment committee saying that he needs to tidy up the plot where he grows his fruit and veg – today! But he has hurt his back, so Mack offers ...
Series 1: 15. Puppet Show
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the sock and remembers the day she got it... \n\nThe kids have been rehearsing for a puppet s ...
Series 5: 10. The Waste Coat
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the bottle-top bowtie and remembers the day she got it.\n\nKez has had another idea &nd ...
Series 4: 14. Mini Moira
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s stall. She chooses the toy whistle and remembers the day she got it…\n\nMoira has so many things to ...
Series 2: 3. Dad's Day Off
Molly and Mack decide that James needs some time off, as he always works so hard. James is delighted, but someone needs to look after the Kids Club for the day. It needs to be s ...
Series 3: 5. Mum's Guitar
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack’s Stall. She chooses the guitar plectrum and remembers the day she got it.\n\nWhen Mack sees a guitar on the ...
Series 1: 16. The Best Doll
Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the tiny hairbrush and remembers the day she got it... \n\nMack has bought an old doll from a ...