If the beach is too far to go but you still want to spend some time surfing waves, then why not surf on land instead? Well, there are some very good reasons people don’t surf on land. To surf, you need waves which are steep enough that you can literally slide down them – that’s how surfing works. You slide down the face whilst the wave continuously picks you up so you can just keep sliding. \n\nFinding waves the right shape on land is quite a challenge. There are naturally occurring waves on land, but they are created as a result of dramatic seismic events like an earthquake or a volcanic eruption. And even if you were standing by a volcano when it went off, the waves it produces aren’t very steep and they’re not very tall. So you really couldn’t surf them. Which leaves you with two alternatives: \n\nA. Melt the ground so it becomes a liquid. But then the ground would be over 600 degrees centigrade and destroy your surf board. \n\nOr B. Fluidise the ground. Fluidising involves blowing air through the soil particles so that they can move freely, which causes the ground to behave more like water. \n\nBut you still need that volcano – a big lava bomb is just the ticket for setting off a big wave in the fluidised ground! Dangerous sport, land surfing…
Source: CBBC
Series 2: 5. You Could Stop Global Warming
Imagine if we had a thermostat that could turn the world temperature down - could we fix global warming? But be careful, a few degrees too far could cause an ice age.
Series 1: 9. The Moon Was Made Of Cheese?
Things don’t quite go to plan when the moon turns into cheese.
Series 1: 8. The Earth Stopped Spinning?
Find out why stopping the earth from spinning isn’t such a good idea.
Series 1: 7. Clouds Were Made Out Of Cotton Wool?
Clouds might look like cotton wool, but if they really were, things would get very messy.
Series 1: 6. You Could Levitate?
Good news - it’s possible to levitate! Bad news – there are some serious side effects.
Series 1: 5. You Could Go On Holiday To Mars?
Experience the ultimate in long-distance travel - a holiday on Mars!
Series 2: 10. Your Mind Could Move Things
We imagine a world where it's possible to move things with your mind like films, but find that the laws of physics mean that this superpower wouldn't quite work like you'd expect.
Series 1: 12. You Can't Wait For Christmas?
It really is possible to time travel into the future, and the team show you how!
Series 2: 2. You Walked Through Walls
Wouldn't it be cool to be able to walk through walls? From turning into a gas to quantum trickery, we discover why it wouldn't be quite as useful as you'd like.
Series 1: 4. You Could Turn Into A Giant?
Find out why turning into a huge giant would be no fairy tale.
Series 1: 11. We Could Actually Stop Climate Change?
The planet is being destroyed - but this episode demonstrates the things you can do to help save it.
Series 2: 15. You Shrunk The Earth
We find out what would happen if you shrank the earth. You could jump higher and move faster, but you would end up with altitude sickness even at sea level.
Series 2: 6. You Lived On Venus
Venus has acid rain, crushing pressure, and is hotter than an oven, so it might not sound like the ideal place to live. However, up in the clouds it's almost just like home.
Series 2: 16. Money Grew On Trees
If you had a tree that could grow money, would that make you rich? Even if you wait 20 years for your tree to grow, you will probably end up no richer than you started.
Series 2: 5. You Could Stop Global Warming
Imagine if we had a thermostat that could turn the world temperature down - could we fix global warming? But be careful, a few degrees too far could cause an ice age.
Series 1: 24. You Took All The Water Out Of The Sea?
Empty the oceans and you’d see hidden wonders, but you’d also cause the end of the world.
Series 2: 18. There Were No Colours
Imagine removing all the colours one by one? It would change more than just how things look, and after taking out just three colours, we would not be able to see anything at all!
Series 1: 9. The Moon Was Made Of Cheese?
Things don’t quite go to plan when the moon turns into cheese.
Series 1: 6. You Could Levitate?
Good news - it’s possible to levitate! Bad news – there are some serious side effects.
Series 2: 19. You Only Ate Burgers
If everyone in the world ate nothing but cheeseburgers, we would run out of land, and even if we went meat-free, we would have to invent some crazy burgers to get the nutrients ...