This episode follows the story of Rupert Murdoch’s remarkable journey from ‘the most humble day’ of his life to arguably his most powerful moment and the final conclusion to the question of succession within his own family.\n \nFollowing a huge scandal, Rupert cuts a lonely figure. His political allies have deserted him, his reputation is in tatters, his beloved mother passes away, and to add insult to injury, revelations come to light about his wife’s infatuation with one of his friends, ex-prime minister Tony Blair, contributing to the break-up of his second marriage.\n \nBut Murdoch is tough - he feeds on conflict and revels in playing the underdog, a role he has cast himself in throughout his career. This film examines the source of his drive, determination and grit and the important influence of his father.\n \nWhen two political hopefuls approach Rupert for help, he senses opportunity, and Murdoch’s star begins to rise again. Murdoch’s involvement in the US elections and the Brexit vote sees political relevance return. Murdoch marries his third wife, Jerry Hall, putting himself firmly back at the centre of the power elite, and his amazing comeback nears completion.\n \nMurdoch’s empire is rocked by further scandals, but this time his sons intervene and the family pulls together. Then Murdoch surprises everyone with one final mega business deal worth 71 billion dollars and finally settles the burning question of which of his children will run the family business when he is gone.
Source: BBC 4
Series 1: 3. The Comeback
This episode follows the story of Rupert Murdoch’s remarkable journey from ‘the most humble day’ of his life to arguably his most powerful moment and the final ...
Series 1: 2. The Rebel Alliance
An alliance forms, including star Hugh Grant, that is willing to take on the Murdoch empire, and a huge scandal threatens Rupert’s dream of passing on the family business ...
Series 1: 1. Kingmaker
Kingmaker meets Rupert Murdoch in 1995, a pivotal year that sees him presiding over two important dilemmas - who he wants to be Britain’s next prime minister and which of ...
Series 1: 1. Kingmaker
Kingmaker meets Rupert Murdoch in 1995, a pivotal year that sees him presiding over two important dilemmas - who he wants to be Britain’s next prime minister and which of ...
Series 1: 3. The Comeback
This episode follows the story of Rupert Murdoch’s remarkable journey from ‘the most humble day’ of his life to arguably his most powerful moment and the final ...
Series 1: 2. The Rebel Alliance
An alliance forms, including star Hugh Grant, that is willing to take on the Murdoch empire, and a huge scandal threatens Rupert’s dream of passing on the family business ...