The cleverest boy in school, orphan Pip has yearned for a greater lot in life for as long as he can remember. With his parents and younger siblings long dead, he lives with kindly blacksmith Joe, who is married to Pip's eldest sister, Sara, a tough and unforgiving woman. Together they live in Gravesend, surrounded by the dark and foggy marshes whose tributaries lead to the great River Thames. Whenever Pip is not at the forge with Joe, he eagerly watches the Thames traffic go by - great ships of the British Empire heading out past his bedroom window to a life he can only dream of.\n\nSneaking out to visit his parents’ grave on Christmas Eve, Pip is accosted by an escaped convict, Magwitch. Bound for Australia, Magwitch has escaped the prison ship Redemption after his arch enemy, Compeyson, started a fire on board. With both men still trapped in leg irons on the freezing marshes, neither have much hope of getting far. Now only one thing occupies Magwitch's mind - revenge, in the form of murdering Compeyson - and he forces Pip to come to his aid.\n\nDuring Christmas lunch at Joe's, one of the guests, Mr Pumblechook, has news concerning Pip. He has learned that the eccentric and vastly wealthy Miss Havisham is looking for a companion for her adopted daughter, Estella. As Estella is the same age as Pip, it has been suggested that Pip, as the cleverest boy in the school, could be a suitable candidate. Joe says he won’t let Miss Havisham take Pip away - he will need him in the forge soon enough. But Joe doesn’t see that Pip is desperate for the opportunity to become something more resembling a gentleman than a blacksmith.
Source: BBC 1
Series 1: Episode 6
As Pip and Jaggers’ plans come to a head, Miss Havisham finally comes face to face with her demons, and Estella at last tries to break free after a family revelation.
Series 1: Episode 5
As part of their plan to ruin Drummle, Jaggers and Pip head to a pleasure garden, seeking entertainment. While Drummle is keen to find women, Pip must try and shake off the opiu ...
Series 1: Episode 4
Haunted by dreams of escape, Estella wakes to find that she cannot change the world around her. Instead, Miss Havisham is there, forcing her to prepare for the day’s trip ...
Series 1: Episode 3
Devastated at being denied entrance to Satis House, Pip is found in a sorry state by Mr Jaggers, who tells him he has been sent by Miss Havisham and Miss Estella. In fact, Estel ...
Series 1: Episode 2
Pip's greatest desire is to learn from Miss Havisham and Estella how to become a gentleman. As he begins to learn the ways of the world, two men are about to hang, but lawyer Mr ...
Series 1: Episode 1
The cleverest boy in school, orphan Pip has yearned for a greater lot in life for as long as he can remember. With his parents and younger siblings long dead, he lives with kind ...
Series 1: Episode 6
As Pip and Jaggers’ plans come to a head, Miss Havisham finally comes face to face with her demons, and Estella at last tries to break free after a family revelation.
Series 1: Episode 3
Devastated at being denied entrance to Satis House, Pip is found in a sorry state by Mr Jaggers, who tells him he has been sent by Miss Havisham and Miss Estella. In fact, Estel ...
Series 1: Episode 5
As part of their plan to ruin Drummle, Jaggers and Pip head to a pleasure garden, seeking entertainment. While Drummle is keen to find women, Pip must try and shake off the opiu ...
Series 1: Episode 2
Pip's greatest desire is to learn from Miss Havisham and Estella how to become a gentleman. As he begins to learn the ways of the world, two men are about to hang, but lawyer Mr ...
Series 1: Episode 1
The cleverest boy in school, orphan Pip has yearned for a greater lot in life for as long as he can remember. With his parents and younger siblings long dead, he lives with kind ...
Series 1: Episode 4
Haunted by dreams of escape, Estella wakes to find that she cannot change the world around her. Instead, Miss Havisham is there, forcing her to prepare for the day’s trip ...