JoJo and Gran Gran take a trip to have JoJo’s eyes tested at the opticians. Jaxon and Ezra help explain what it means to be long- and short-sighted. After his eye test, Jaxon is struggling to decide which glasses he would like to wear. JoJo really wanted to pick new glasses too, but she doesn’t need them. Gran Gran has a plan: JoJo can help Jaxon pick his new glasses! Back home, JoJo makes Panda some glasses.
Source: CBeebies
Spring: 9. It's Time To Grow A Flower
JoJo tries to grow a daffodil, but is disheartened to discover that it will take a long time to bloom. Cynthia tells JoJo how to take care of the plant, and Gran Gran shows JoJo ...
Series 3 - Spring: 1. Mother's Day
JoJo, Gran Gran, Mummy and Great-Gran-Gran have a special day ahead of them to celebrate Mother’s Day. Together, the four generations of JoJo’s family have a relaxin ...
Spring: 8. It's Time To Make Up A Story
When JoJo can’t find her favourite Captain Chloe storybook, Gran Gran suggests they make up their own story. As they create their pirate quest, JoJo learns that when you m ...
Spring: 7. It's Time To Visit The Farm
JoJo is excited to show Gran Gran around the city farm - it’s been a few months since she was last there, and she can’t wait to see Melanie the chick again. But when ...
Spring: 6. It's Time To Bake
When Gran Gran and JoJo find a family recipe for Great Gran Gran’s signature Saint Lucian banana bread, they’re excited to bake a batch of it! But there’s one ...
Spring: 5. It's Time To Find A Butterfly
JoJo searches for a butterfly to complete her nature tick-book. She learns that all butterflies start life as furry little caterpillars.
Spring: 4. It's Time For A Spring Clear Out
JoJo and Gran Gran are having a spring clear out, but when Gran Gran wants to clear out her old jumper, JoJo is distraught – she loves that snuggly jumper!\n\nDetermined t ...
Spring: 3. It's Time To Check The weather Forecast
JoJo is determined to slide down the big slide at the park. But even though it’s sunny when they leave the house, a rainy weather forecast threatens her plans. Luckily for ...
Spring: 2. It's Time To Catch The Bus
JoJo and Gran Gran miss their bus home, so the pair settle down to wait for the next one. But getting the bus isn’t quite as simple as JoJo thinks it is. A wrong bus later ...
Spring: 1. It's Time To Post A Picture
JoJo has drawn a picture to show Great Gran Gran over a video call, but just as she’s about to show it, the internet goes down! Gran Gran suggests they post JoJo’s p ...
Series 2 – Winter: 10. It's Time To Make A Sorrel Drink
JoJo and Gran Gran make sorrel drinks together, and JoJo comes up with her own recipe that uses her favourite ingredients, including raspberries and cinnamon. The result is deli ...
Series 3 - Summer: 2. It's Time To Swim Underwater
JoJo and her cousin Lexi are at the swimming pool with Gran Gran. It’s time for their swimming lesson with Reeni, and today they’re learning how to swim underwater. ...
Summer: 7. It's Time To Put On A Show
JoJo doesn't know what to do with the odd socks in Gran Gran's laundry basket. So Gran Gran suggests they put on a puppet show, just like she used to do with Great Gran Gran whe ...
Series 3 - Summer: 9. It’s Time To Explore The Park
JoJo and Gran Gran have a relaxing yoga class with Auntie Dee, but JoJo struggles to relax her mind, so Gran Gran takes her on a sensory safari. First, they are off to the park ...
Series 3 - Spring: 6. It's Time To Visit The Optician
JoJo and Gran Gran take a trip to have JoJo’s eyes tested at the opticians. Jaxon and Ezra help explain what it means to be long- and short-sighted. After his eye test, Ja ...
Series 2 - Spring: 3. It's Time To Press A Flower
JoJo and Gran Gran press a flower so that it will last for a long time. JoJo learns that flowers wilt over time, but flower pressing is a special way to make them last longer. J ...
Spring: 8. It's Time To Make Up A Story
When JoJo can’t find her favourite Captain Chloe storybook, Gran Gran suggests they make up their own story. As they create their pirate quest, JoJo learns that when you m ...
Specials: It's Time To Visit Saint Lucia
JoJo, Gran Gran, Mummy and Daddy all arrive in Saint Lucia to see Great-Gran Gran receive her medal of honour from the mayor. Everybody’s preparing for the ceremony when a ...
Series 2 - Summer: 1. It's Time To Go Swimming
JoJo and Gran Gran go swimming in a lido on a hot summer day. JoJo is excited to show Gran Gran what she has learnt in her recent swimming lessons, but when she loses her goggle ...
Series 2 – Winter: 9. It's Time To Find Monty’s Ball
When Monty loses his favourite ball, JoJo and Gran Gran decide to help him find it. At first it’s tricky to find, but Gran Gran has a plan to look at the world the way Mon ...