Norrie admits that she can’t ride her new bike because she finds it too difficult. So Duggee gives her some encouragement and lets her know that there are skills that he is still yet to master too, like skateboarding. In fact, each Squirrel has a skill they find difficult. Tag can’t tie his shoe laces, Happy can’t click his fingers, Roly can’t swing and Betty discovers she can’t blink. \n\nNow that she is not alone, Norrie agrees to keep trying as Duggee encourages the Squirrels not to quit when things are difficult and that if at first you don’t succeed, try again! Duggee lets them know that when things are hard, you can always ask for help.
Source: CBeebies
Series 4: 6. The Library Badge
When the Squirrels can’t figure out if fish have noses, Duggee shows them his library. But when the Squirrels realise no-one is visiting it, they have an idea. A mobile li ...
Series 5: 2. The Face Painting Badge
The Squirrels are looking for Duggee but can’t find him. Instead, they find someone they think is Enid, only much too big... Duggee has painted his face to look like Enid! ...
Series 5: 4. The Talent Badge
Out for a walk, the Squirrels spot an interesting poster - it’s King Tiger advertising his Roar Talent Show. Naturally, the Squirrels are very keen to take part. First, th ...
Series 5: 2. The Face Painting Badge
The Squirrels are looking for Duggee but can’t find him. Instead, they find someone they think is Enid, only much too big... Duggee has painted his face to look like Enid! ...
Series 4: 26. The Commuting Badge
Norrie is running late to Squirrel Club, so Duggee teaches the squirrels what a commute is – a journey that can take you from home to learn, work or play.
Series 5: 1. The Carrot Badge
The Squirrels are admiring everything Duggee has grown in his vegetable garden, especially his crop of giant carrots, when they hear a noise. They investigate and find the Rabbi ...
Series 2: 44. The Comedy Badge
The Squirrels go to see what Duggee is doing, but on the way Tag stumbles on some toy blocks and hurts his knee. How can they make him feel better? Happy's mum always says laugh ...