In the bustling heart of London, Tabby McTat (Sope Dirisu), a singing cat, and his busker friend Fred (Rob Brydon) entertain passing crowds, and the pair are 'purrrfectly happy'. One day, while Tabby McTat takes a stroll, he stumbles upon a friendly feline named Sock (Susan Wokoma). Then fate takes an unexpected turn when a thief steals the buskers' hard-earned money.
Source: BBC 1
The Animated Adventure
In the bustling heart of London, Tabby McTat (Sope Dirisu), a singing cat, and his busker friend Fred (Rob Brydon) entertain passing crowds, and the pair are 'purrrfectly happy' ...
The Animated Adventure
In the bustling heart of London, Tabby McTat (Sope Dirisu), a singing cat, and his busker friend Fred (Rob Brydon) entertain passing crowds, and the pair are 'purrrfectly happy' ...