Catch up TV

Episode 06 September 2024

In May 2023, Strictly Come Dancing professional Amy Dowden was given the earth-shattering news she had breast cancer. In an instant, life was put on hold and thrown into uncertainty. It was the day before her honeymoon when she discovered a lump, and shortly after, her fears were confirmed. She and her husband Ben had hopes to one day start a family. Later that year, she had been due to return to Strictly – a show she had dreamed of being part of since she was a girl. Instead, she faced the most turbulent year of her life and a battle for her health, fertility, and to dance again.\n\nThis deeply personal documentary follows Amy from just six days after her diagnosis. She took the brave decision to share her experiences, whatever unfolded, in the hope of helping others understand the reality of cancer at a young age. Amy never expected it would happen to her at 32.\n\nLess than a week after her diagnosis, Amy is reeling from the news. Ben, her parents and family rally around. It is a fearful time as scans reveal her cancer is grade 3, the most aggressive form. She undergoes a mastectomy and eight gruelling chemotherapy sessions. Strictly is no longer possible. She and Ben have to decide whether to undergo fertility treatment to try to preserve their hope of children in the future. Losing her hair is devastating for Amy, but she shows her mettle to find positives from the experience.\n\nAfter diagnosis, Amy fears she can’t keep it secret for long. Sharing the story could help her control what was and wasn’t in the public domain, especially at a time when she had little power over her own health. But it is still nerve-wracking when she posts about her diagnosis on social media. The overwhelming support encourages Amy to keep sharing her journey online. The downside is hurtful, negative comments when she was at her lowest - even in her hospital bed. But there are highs, like messages about how her decision not to wear a wig on Strictly had shown girls and boys going through chemo that bald is beautiful.\n\nAlongside family support, Amy’s colleagues at Strictly do all they can to keep her included in the glittery world of the show that means everything to her. At the live final, Amy performs in a group routine with a broken foot, and the incredible response lifts her spirits.\n\nThis powerfully candid film follows Amy through her toughest journey, as she pushes to return to health and back to the Strictly ballroom.

Source: BBC 1

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Strictly Amy: Cancer And Me

Strictly Amy: Cancer And Me - Episode 06-09-2024

Episode 06-09-2024

In May 2023, Strictly Come Dancing professional Amy Dowden was given the earth-shattering news she had breast cancer. In an instant, life was put on hold and thrown into uncerta ...



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Strictly Amy: Cancer And Me - Episode 06-09-2024

Episode 06-09-2024

In May 2023, Strictly Come Dancing professional Amy Dowden was given the earth-shattering news she had breast cancer. In an instant, life was put on hold and thrown into uncerta ...



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