Animation series following the exploits of four bumbling super-villains. The League plans to stage a lavish backyard barbecue and not invite any of the neighbours.
Source: CBBC
Series 3 - Kickin' Boot
Animation. Voltar gets his evil little hands on a pair of discarded platform boots. But there's something strange about them - they compulsively fight evil.
Series 1 - The Bank Job
Animation series following the exploits of four bumbling super-villains. In order to get a free toaster, the League get jobs at the bank, hoping to rob the vault.
Series 2 - Hot Can-tato!
Animation. All pretence of evil friendship is lost when the LOSE members compete among themselves for a guided tour of Skullossus's space station, with a free buffet!
Series 1 - 10
Animation series. LOSE attempts to get another free pizza from Pizza in 10 Minutes or Less or You Get It for Free! by making the delivery guy run their gauntlet once again.