Carefree, eccentric Judy has a suitcase with an encyclopedia and a nightgown - and eyes for the repressed, eccentric Howard. Howard has a suitcase full of igneous rocks to prove an esoteric musical theory and an overly proper fiancée named Eunice.\n\nNone of them know Mr Smith, who has a suitcase full of top-secret government documents and a nefarious man tailing him.
Source: BBC 2
Episode 26-12-2024
Carefree, eccentric Judy has a suitcase with an encyclopedia and a nightgown - and eyes for the repressed, eccentric Howard. Howard has a suitcase full of igneous rocks to prove ...
Episode 26-12-2024
Carefree, eccentric Judy has a suitcase with an encyclopedia and a nightgown - and eyes for the repressed, eccentric Howard. Howard has a suitcase full of igneous rocks to prove ...