Family animation. With their owner, Andy, leaving home for university, the toys fear for their future. Escaping being accidentally thrown away as rubbish, Buzz and the gang hope to find new playmates at a childcare centre. However, they are subject to a sinister system which forces them to suffer at the hands of the most careless kids.\n\nFeaturing the voices of Tom Hanks (Woody), Tim Allen (Buzz Lightyear), Joan Cusack (Jessie), Ned Beatty (Lotso), Don Rickles (Mr Potato Head), Michael Keaton (Ken), Wallace Shawn (Rex), John Ratzenberger (Hamm), Estelle Harris (Mrs Potato Head), John Morris (Andy), Jodi Benson (Barbie), Laurie Metcalf (Andy's Mom), Blake Clark (Slinky Dog) and Emily Hahn (Bonnie).
Source: BBC 1
Episode 25-12-2024
Family animation. With their owner, Andy, leaving home for university, the toys fear for their future. Escaping being accidentally thrown away as rubbish, Buzz and the gang hope ...
Episode 25-12-2024
Family animation. With their owner, Andy, leaving home for university, the toys fear for their future. Escaping being accidentally thrown away as rubbish, Buzz and the gang hope ...