Love is in the air as Slippy Nana finally meets his slapstick soulmate, but will they slip and slide happily ever after? Frantic Fan takes on the Hand Fans in a duel that will blow you away, and the jelly beans prepare to besiege Choccy Castle one last time.
Source: CBBC
Series 2 - Episode 3
When the humans are away the OOglies play! Houdini Rubber performs a daring escape act to impress the judges, and the chocolate fingers hatch a scheme to scare Petrified Pud.
Shorts - Stunt Tomato 2
The OOglies embark on a series of adventures that find them slipping, sliding and always splatting onto television screens.
Series 2 - Episode 2
When the humans are away, the OOglies play! The inquisitive mushrooms find a jelly trampoline, and crybaby Bauble sneaks a victory over the Christmas Box Gang.