Brothers Alec, ten, and William, eight, are very proud of their Scottish heritage. And it's not just their family they're proud of, they think Scotland has a really interesting history and they want to celebrate it. The problem is that Alec and William live in a remote part of Scotland and there aren't that many kids around to play with, so they want a den to play in that looks like a traditional Scottish castle.
Source: CBBC
Series 7: 15. How To Be A Diy Dengineer
Joe and Meryl are joined by the Dengineers Designers to give a masterclass on creating your own dream space.
Series 7: 14. Revisits
Joe and Meryl take a look back at some of the amazing dens from the series and catch up with some of our Dengineers to see how the dens have changed their lives.
Series 7: 13. Highlights
Joe and Meryl take a look back at some of the fun moments and amazing dens from the series.
Christmas Den
Ocean, nine, from Brentwood has had a tough time. His younger brother Sky died two years ago and he needs a place to escape to when things get too much for him. He also has a ne ...
Series 7: 10. Football Recovery Den
Goalkeeper and football fan Tristan had to take a break from playing with his local team due to illness. He wants a den to help him recover and to store all his football memorab ...
Series 7: 9. Indian Retreat Den
Avanaya from Leicester wants a relaxing, Indian-themed den so that she can escape her three cricket-loving brothers, and to remind her of the special times she has spent visitin ...
Series 7: 8. Rollercoaster Den
Keir from Rugby is a massive fan of rollercoasters. Not only does he love to go on rides, he also likes building his own, and one day dreams of becoming a rollercoaster designer ...
Series 7: 7. Science Den
Zoe from Oxfordshire is mad about science and dreams of becoming a scientist one day. She loves to carry out messy, noisy experiments, but her dad works night shifts, which mean ...
Series 7: 6. Orangutan Den
Duncan from Glasgow is passionate about protecting orangutans and wants to raise awareness of their plight within his local community. He wants a den where he can hang out, lear ...
Series 7: 5. Tap Dance Den
Angel from London is an aspiring tap dancer who has nowhere to practise her moves. She is always scuffing her mum’s floors and annoying her brother with the noise. She nee ...
Series 3: 2. Revisits Episode 2
The presenters look back at some of our amazing dens from series one and two, seeing how they have been enjoyed and finding out how they changed the lives of the young Dengineer ...
Series 3: 10. Witchcraft And Wizardry Den
Nine-year-old Kiran is a big fan of a certain boy wizard and a bit like his hero, he's had his life turned upside down. He recently changed schools, moved miles away from all hi ...
Series 3: 3. Observatory Den
Helena is 11 and an only child. She loves star-gazing, wants to be an astrophysicist when she's older and is passionate about girls getting into science. She lives above her mum ...
Series 5: 5. Chinchilla Den
Nine-year-old Becca and her twin brother, Charlie, loved their new chinchillas. However, one of them was pregnant and gave birth and the only way to save them from being rehomed ...
Series 6: 7. Beach Den
Twelve-year-old Annabell loves to spend time by the sea, but she rarely gets to go because she lives in Milton Keynes, right in the centre of England. She has lots of happy memo ...
Series 3: 12. Sport Den
Nine-year-old Maddie is sports mad, in fact she dreams of representing the UK at the Paralympics one day. Maddie has mild cerebral palsy and needs to do regular exercises to kee ...
Series 3: 15. Community Den - Part 2
Claire House Children's Hospice is a BBC Children in Need supported charity in the Wirral. They do an amazing job looking after children with life-limiting conditions as well as ...