It's the day of the Biggleton Banana Bonanza. Aleem the Baker prepares to bake an enormous loaf of banana bread, but then realises that he hasn't got any bananas. Customers queue up outside the bakery, but there is no banana bread for them to buy. At the farm, the bananas are stuck on a broken-down tractor. Before long, the queue extends all the way from the bakery to the farm, and Greengrocer Yusuf comes up with a great plan for everyone in the queue to pass the bananas along the line until they reach the bakery.
Source: CBeebies
Series 1: 6. Freezegirl
It's a special day in Biggleton. Frankie the Business Woman is getting ready for a visit from a superhero - Freezegirl. She is coming to town to unveil a new statue. Just before ...
Series 1: 5. Noisy Puppy
It's a peaceful morning in Biggleton. Bobby the Vet's first patient is a puppy who's looking for a new home. Bobby the Vet suggests various places where the puppy might like to ...
Series 1: 4. Dragon
Ava the Postie has got lots of letters and a huge parcel to deliver. The big parcel is getting in the way, but it hasn't got an address label so Ava doesn't know where to take i ...
Series 1: 3. Traffic Jam
It's very busy at the vet's: all sorts of animals have come to get their teeth cleaned. Bobby the Vet uses lots of different toothbrushes to get the job done. When all the anima ...
Series 1: 2. The Unfinished Fix
Odd Job Shardae is busy fixing the park bench and the gate of the chicken run. Despite Precious the Gardener offering to help, Odd Job Shardae is keen to get the jobs done all b ...
Series 1: 25. Noisy Day
Oscar the Nurse has been on a night shift and is ready for a nap, but he struggles to fall asleep because of the noisy preparations for the Biggleton Rock Concert.
Series 1: 24. Up In The Air
Preschool series. The people of Biggleton work together to try and rescue Frankie the Business Woman's cat from the top of a tree.
Series 1: 23. New Visitor
There is a new French visitor in Biggleton and she is trying to find something. No-one can speak French, but everyone works together to understand what the visitor wants.
Series 1: 22. No News
Esther the Newsreader is getting ready to read the news but discovers there's no news written down for her to read. She heads into Biggleton to see what news she can find, but t ...
Series 1: 21. New Rules
Police Officer Liam is busy on the beat today, checking that everyone is following the rules that help keep Biggleton tidy and safe. He notices that there is some room left in h ...
Series 2: 11. Cock-a-doodle-doo
It’s very early in the morning when a noisy Rooster arrives in Biggleton and wakes everyone up. Soon Ava the Postie, Rowan the Chef and Emily the Personal Trainer realise ...
Series 1: 3. Traffic Jam
It's very busy at the vet's: all sorts of animals have come to get their teeth cleaned. Bobby the Vet uses lots of different toothbrushes to get the job done. When all the anima ...
Series 2: 25. Superheroes
It’s an exciting day as Newsreader Esther and Camera Op Nyah have come to town to do a special report on the people of Biggleton and their jobs. Bobby the Vet, Cafe Owner ...
Series 2: 6. The Mix Up
Amelia the Scientist, Archie the Gardener and Ria the Cafe Owner are all expecting important packages in the post. But it's a busy day for Ava the Postie and she accidentally de ...
Series 1: 12. The Reading Tree
Niall the Recycling Lorry Driver is preparing to go out on his rounds to collect Biggleton's recycling. Momo the Athlete has some recycling to be collected. Professor Millie not ...
Series 2: 4. Here To Help
Paramedic Annie has a brand new stethoscope and really wants to test it out. She meets lots of her friends around Biggleton who appear to need her help, but it turns out none of ...
Series 1: 24. Up In The Air
Preschool series. The people of Biggleton work together to try and rescue Frankie the Business Woman's cat from the top of a tree.
Series 1: 19. Babysitting
It's time for choir practice in the Biggleton community hall, and Holly the Music Teacher is helping the singers warm up. Momo the Athlete is also warming up. She's preparing to ...
Series 2: 23. Big Day Out
The Big Day Out has finally arrived in Biggleton and everyone is very excited to be going. Odd Job Laila has lots of jobs to do around town first, though. She has to build a wal ...
Series 1: 25. Noisy Day
Oscar the Nurse has been on a night shift and is ready for a nap, but he struggles to fall asleep because of the noisy preparations for the Biggleton Rock Concert.