An old friend of Gramps, Mr Willow, brings along his two dogs to play with Waffle. Evie feels a bit left out until Waffle reassures her. The two new dogs escape into Mrs Hobbs's garden, so Waffle has to save the day.
Source: CBeebies
Series 1: 2. Night Night, Waffle
The Brooklyn-Bells spend their first night together as a new family, only to be kept awake by Waffle, whose constant barking upsets Mrs Hobbs, their cat-obsessed neighbour.
Series 1: 1. Meeting Waffle
Evie's mum, Jess, has just married Doug's dad, Simon. The new family get home to discover a lost puppy hiding in their wedding presents. Evie wants to keep him and call him Waffle.
Series 4: 10. First Aid Waffle
Waffle’s paw is hurt in class, so vet Jess trains Mr Nolan in doggy first aid. Doug invents a device with buttons that Waffle can press for entertainment if he gets bored ...
Series 4: 14. Waffle Make And Do
Doug helps Waffle make new neighbour Pepper a dog bed. They fondly remember when Mrs Hobbs adopted Pepper and when they made their first box-bed for her cat, George.
Series 4: 9. Waffle's Dog Family
Waffle feels left out of the Brooklyn-Bells’ fun, so he sets off to find his doggy family. Later, Waffle introduces Pepper to Mrs Hobbs, hoping she’ll adopt his cute ...
Series 4: 13. Waffle Steals The Show
It’s the school show, and Doug, Ali and Mrs Hobbs are performing. Evie gets locked in the toilet, but Waffle saves the day in time to sing his line in the finale and surpr ...
Series 4: 8. Waffle's Homework
It’s the end of Waffle’s trial week at school, and he’s forgotten to do his homework! Mr Nolan decides if Waffle can continue as a pupil, and Jess gets a text ...
Series 4: 12. Waffle's Rehearsal
The Poodles’ Class rehearse their song for the school show, and Waffle is looking forward to singing his line. When rehearsal time runs out, Evie knows how to help Waffle ...
Series 4: 7. Waffle And Benji
Evie has been given her first ever homework, while Waffle has been awarded Benji, the class toy, for good behaviour. Zoe and Callum have exciting news, and Evie emails her birth ...
Series 4: 11. Waffle And The Box
Evie, Doug, Ruby and Ali rehearse for the school show at the Brooklyn-Bells’ house. Next door, a mystery box is delivered to Mrs Hobbs, and Waffle is desperate to know wha ...
Series 3: 14. Waffle Pop Dog
Doug wants to be in the school show, so he asks Waffle to help him with his act. He reveals his new music kit made from household items. Waffle and Doug make music together usin ...
Series 4: 2. Waffle And The Birthday Wish
Waffle and Doug give Evie a birthday gift, and the Brooklyn-Bells discover Mrs Hobbs's new rollerskating hobby. Evie makes a wish at her party to receive a card from her birth dad.
Series 1: 12. Waffle's Day Out
AJ takes Evie and Anaya swimming, but Waffle must stay at home with Simon. Refusing to miss out on the fun, Waffle begins an adventure of his own and sets off to find Evie.
Series 2: 4. Waffle's Pet Party
It's the day of Jess's 'bring a pet' birthday party. Gramps is one of the first to arrive with Muckypups and Thor, two pugs he's dogsitting for the day, and AJ and Anaya have al ...
Series 2: 8. Waffle In The Shoe Shop
While Zoe helps Doug with his homework project about Alaska, Simon and Jess take Waffle and Evie to the shops to buy new school shoes. But Waffle's attempts to help end up causi ...
Series 3: 6. Waffle's Great Escape
Mrs Hobbs supervises Waffle at the Brooklyn-Bell house. Waffle wants to join Evie at school and tries to escape. Later, the family look at photos\nand Evie asks about her birth ...
Series 3: 9. Pe Waffle
Evie finishes her reading book before school, so she can hand it in and bring a new book home later. Home alone, Waffle makes up a chant and dances around the house to the music ...
Series 2: 10. Waffle's Wonderful Art
Waffle discovers he has a talent for painting Mrs Hobbs's cat, George, and decides to share his work with her as a way to get in her good books.
Series 4: 7. Waffle And Benji
Evie has been given her first ever homework, while Waffle has been awarded Benji, the class toy, for good behaviour. Zoe and Callum have exciting news, and Evie emails her birth ...
Series 2: 13. Waffle And The Fleas
Waffle is sad that Mrs Hobbs and her cat, George, are soon to leave Maple Close. The Brooklyn-Bells call on Mrs Hobbs to persuade her not to move house, only to find that her ca ...