Series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Nok Tok wishes he could find something special that his narabug could do.
Source: CBeebies
Series 3 - Narmole Trouble
Series set in the magical land of Nara. Nok Tok finds a narmole in his workshop, but it seems unhappy. Cheebies try to cheer the narmole up, without much success.
Series 3 - Thirsty Day
Series set in the magical land of Nara. It's a hot day in Nara and De Li finds a caterpillar. The caterpillar is thirsty so De Li races off to fetch it some water.
Series 2 - Cheebie Tune
Animated series set in the magical land of Nara. Nok Tok has made a music box, but the last note doesn't sound right. He needs to find a new piece of wood to finish it.
Series 3 - Lau Lau's Picture
Series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Lau Lau makes a picture of Nara as a surprise present for Yojojo's home.
Series 3 - Home Swapsy
Series set in the magical land of Nara. Lau Lau loves her home but when she visits Nok Tok, she thinks his home is even nicer - so Nok Tok offers to swap homes.
Series 3 - Puppet Show
Series set in the magical land of Nara. Lau Lau is practising a Little Pip Show for the cheebies. Nok Tok loves Lau Lau's Little Pip puppets, so asks if he can play too.
Series 1 - Fireflies
Animated series set in the magical land of Nara. Yojojo plays his pipes to charm a firefly out of its tree hollow and into his paper lantern.
Series 1 - Sad Narabug
Animation set in the magical land of Nara. De Li finds her narabug hiding in a bush but it won't come out. The children wonder if the narabug is too sad to come out.
Series 1 - Clouds
Animated series set in the magical land of Nara. Lau Lau wants to draw the clouds as a present for De Li, but the clouds keep changing shape before she can draw them.